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Daily Devotion

26 April

“He who keeps instruction is in the way of life, But he who refuses correction goes astray.” PROVERBS 10:17

God’s way of life comes naturally to those who heed His divine guidance

As a loving and responsible Father, God is concerned about our future. Can you fathom how excruciating it is for our heavenly Father to witness His precious children destroying themselves by their own foolish words and actions? The heart of Father God cries out to you (Prov 1:23). Listen to His voice and walk in His ways all you who are His precious children!





Bahasa Indonesia

Siapa mengindahkan didikan, menuju jalan kehidupan, tetapi siapa mengabaikan teguran, tersesat. AMSAL 10:17

Jalan kehidupan Tuhan datang secara alami kepada mereka yang memperhatikan tuntunan Ilahi-Nya

Sebagai Bapa yang mengasihi dan bertanggung jawab, Tuhan sangat memikirkan masa depan kita. Dapatkah Anda membayangkan betapa Bapa begitu sedih saat Ia melihat anak-anakNya menghancurkan hidup mereka sendiri lewat perkataan serta tindakan mereka yang bodoh? Hati Allah Bapa sedang menyerukan sesuatu kepada Anda (Ams 1:23). Dengarkanlah suara-Nya dan berjalanlah selalu di dalam jalan-jalan-Nya, hai anak-anakNya yang mulia!

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